Our statutes About us Charity fund Dharma was founded back in 2001 to offer all the
children the help they need. For us it is important that helping someone is not just
a one time thing, but that it would really change the situation. Throughout the years
we have found a lot of like-minded people, thanks to who we have been
able to bring our ideas to life. Our Privacy policy
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Put Your Faith Into Action Put your faith to work today and let your actions feed your faith.
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Meie põhikiri Vaata lugusid
total surrender to God The first step that helps me overcome any situation
in my mind, body and spirit and give it to God
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Our statutes Look at stories

Story of the name

The creator of the foundation Urmas Sõõrumaa fulfilled his lifelong dream when he created it. By creating this foundation, he allowed people, who were doing good in life, help others.


The creator of the foundation Urmas Sõõrumaa fulfilled his lifelong dream when he created it. By creating this foundation, he allowed people, who were doing good in life, help others.

Fondi nimeks valis Urmas Dharma. Selle India usundites õiget ja head elamisviisi tähendava õpetuse keskmes on just inimeste teenimine.

Dharma tähedab, et inimene ei küsi enam endalt, kas see puudutab mind, vaid kas ma saaksin aidata.

Heategevusfondi Dharma toetajad ei ole mitte ainult selle küsimuse küsimiseni jõudnud, vaid on ka vastuse leidnud.


Liblika valikul oma logole lähtusime liblikaefektist – teooriast, mille kohaselt liblika tiivalöök ühel pool maakera võib põhjustada tormi teisel pool maakera. Iga mõte, tegu või sõna võib muuta paljude inimeste saatusi ja nii loodame, et iga heateoga suudame muuta maailma veidi paremaks.


Our workers

All our workers are also supporters of the foundation, thanks to them we can bring our ideas to life. We are also supported by the support people of the families in need, child protection units from local governments, social workers and many more, who notice children and care for them.

Charity fund Dharma management consists of Jüri Tamm and Tarmo Keskküla. The board members include Urmas Sõõrumaa(creator of the foundation), Malle Eenmaa, Heldur Meerits, Indrek Luukas, Sten Luiga and Allar Levandi.


Marianne Zaigermaher


Marianne poole saab pöörduda kõikide Dharmaga seotud teemadega – tema on tegevuste koordineerija ja raamatupidaja ühes isikus. Kui soovid annetada või toetust saada – kõigega saad tema poole pöörduda ning temalt saad vastused. Kui ta ise ei oska vastata, siis varu veidi kannatust – ta peab teistega nõu ning vastus tuleb igal juhul.

Raamatupidajana on Marianne täpselt selline, nagu üks täiuslik heategevusfondi raamatupidaja olema peab – näeb deebetist-krediidist läbi ja kaugemale ning mõtleb alati numbrite taga olevatele lastele. Ta ei ole mitte ainult väga täpne ja korrektne finantsarvestuses, vaid ka väärtuslik nõuandja kõikides fondi tegevustes. Samasuguse põhjalikkuse ja südamlikkusega veedab ta ka oma vaba aega, kui ta kas mürab mõnega oma lapselastest või teeb midagi head ja paremat süüa.

Jüri Tamm


Tegeleb planeerimisega – toimivate  projektide realiseerimisega ja jätkusuutlikust tagava arendustööga ning turundusega. Esindab SA Dharma erinevatel üritustel ning tagab partnerite aktviisema kaasamise ühiskondliku mõju ja nähtavuse suurendamiseks.

Inna Tamm


Tegeleb SA Dharma igapäevaste tegevustega, ajakava planeerimine ja selle jälgimine. Tagab projektide koordineerimise ja elluviimise, projektide tulemuste hindamise.

Oliver Parmasto


Tagab meie kodulehe toimimise – tema poole saad pöörduda kõikide sellega seotud küsimustega.

Tiina Parmasto


Tiina toimetab oma muude tegemiste kõrvalt Dharmas vabatahtlikuna ning tema poole saad pöörduda Dharma tugiisikutega seotud küsimustes.

Our statutes

  • Charity fund Dharma is a member of EAPN(European Anti Poverty Network)

  • Charity fund Dharma is a member of the Estonian Mental Health and Wellbeing Coalition www.vatek.ee.

  • Charity fund Dharma is a member of the Estonian Non-profit Organization Union.

  • Charity fund Dharma is given a discount for income tax for being a non-profit organization.

  • In our work, we follow the code of ethics of non-profit organizations

  • In our activities we follow the good practice of collecting donations.


Our mission

We care for all children from their birth to until their wings take them.


Our vision

We help Estonian become a better society, which is made of people who can manage on their own.


Our principle

We believe that a society can change itself so that there only a handful of people who need help and charities disappear. The environment in which a child grows up in has a large impact on their future. which is why one of our main jobs is to prevent – we work hard to have a child supporting and developing environment. Children and the young, who grow up safely, who are surrounded by a caring and persistent social net will be more likely to become independent and can care for others, as well.

Our work helps children become aspiring adults. A great amount of our attention goes towards helping families, who are struggling financially, who have multiple children and children without parental care.

Meie tegevus aitab kavada lapsel tubliks inimeseks. Eriline tähelepanu kuulub majanduslikesse raskustessesattunud lastega peredele, lasterikastele peredele ja vanemliku hoolitsuseta lastele.


Dharma support centres

Contact: Kai Räisa

e-mail: hoolekoda@hot.ee


Contact: Eneken Savi

e-mail: eneken@sesok.ee

Website: www.sesok.ee


Contact: Kaie Tamm

e-mail: kaietamm@hot.ee

Website: www.tlku.ee


Contact: Virgo Kaar

e-mail: virgo@kaar.ee

Website: www.teemekoos.com


Contact: Epp Johani

e-mail: eppjohani@gmail.com

Website: www.mtuteeme.com


Contact: Sirje Rüütel

e-mail: saunja@gmail.com


Contact: Pille Sõrmus

e-mail: pille.sormus@gmail.com

Website: hot.ee/arengukeskkond


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Families with children can be helped in the Swedbank charity environment “I love to Help” by donating money or points.

“I love to Help” environment was developed in 2008 by Swedbank and Heateo Sihtasutus with a purpose to develop the Estonian development culture and to put an emphasis on different aspects regarding charitable organizations. In the charity environment different organizations can introduce their work and Swedbank clients can support them with donations.

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