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FEBRUARY 10TH, 2018 20:00

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About us

Our community

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto.



Dharma's mission

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto.


Take part with us

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto.



How we help

Our goal is to support children’s and the youth’s growth. For this:

    • we’ve created scholarship foundations to urge the youth in shelters
    • to help children perform better at school and give children from bigger families
    • a chance to study in universities
    • we’ve created foundations to help fix the lives of children with special needs
    • and to boost their confidence to take part in decisions
    • related to society
    • we offer help to parents, who are struggling to take care of their children
    • we offer knowledge, skills and support
    • we help families, who are struggling financially
    • vaeses peres. Kui kõht täis ja soe olla, saab hakata ülejäänud
    • find solutions to problems
    • Continue reading


Helping with studies


Sadly, nowadays, the opportunities to study in modern Estonia is not always about the children’s abilities, but also how their families handle themselves socially and economically. This is why we have always put an emphasis on helping children who want to study but are unable to for different reasons.

Thanks to the supporters of the foundation, we have had the pleasure of helping almost 300 children to devote themselves to their studies. Yet there are still children, who need support. And a lot of it.

Supporting children

We have taken it as our mission to help boost the living standards of children with special needs. According to the Internet portal “Ratastool”: Disabilities are not diseases or accidents, disabilities are a way of life. We are certain that it is that way, however, our society and at certain points the people with disabilities themselves do not always believe in it. That is why we support all things related to boosting the living standards of the young with disabilities and things that give them a chance to try new things.

In 2007, we created the Indrek foundation to serve the purpose to support activities that are for people with disabilities. We have had the pleasure to support many different initiatives, however, numerous ideas that would help improve the lives of people with disabilities are still waiting to come to life with donations from all the good people in the world.

Counseling families


Although most parents want all the best for their children and raise them as best they can, the skills necessary for parenting are not born with the child. Sometimes becoming a parent might become to be a long and difficult journey and they might need all the help they can get. We help those kinds of people through our support person network, who consult parents on how to take care of their children and how to create a safe environment for them to develop in.

Helping families financially


Estonian children have had to pay a great price to live through the financial recession. Today there are almost 23 000 children in Estonia, who live in complete poverty, meaning they only have around 69€ per month. These families do not have the resources to buy food, firewood, fixing the roof and not to mention children’s interests or road trips in school.

No children in Estonia should grow up in poverty. Thanks to kind donators we have been able to support those families with all the emergency things, but there is still a lot to do.

Promoting mental health


Bullying, children without care, alcoholism among parents and crime. These are the kinds of stories we hear a lot of and often we hear about them being related to some sad individual case. Situations like these require a lot of attention that in todays world, it does not get enough.

This is the reason we have started to put a lot more emphasis on people’s mental health. We want people to avoid problems by predicting them and to see, ask for help and to offer it.

We have created a foundation called Luiga allfond, which we use to give scholarships to those, whose studies, scientific and journalism work is aimed at promoting the improvement of mental health or to shine more light on that department in the media.

Educational events

Support person’s base course

Dear support person’s base course participant in Saaremaa!

The course “Become a supporter” course is happening according to the schedule in Kuressaare.

Saare County Government premises in Lossi 1 starting at 10AM.

In order to take part in this course, you are required to have a letter of recommendation from your local government or from a company that offers supporting people.

Download the form from here.

To register, send the form with a digital signature to this address:

SA Dharma “Tugiisikute baaskoolitus” toimub vastavalt lisatud ajakavale Kuressaares

Saare Maavalitsuse ruumides Lossi 1 algusega kell 10.00.

Koolitusel osalemise eelduseks on omavalitsuse või tugiisikuteenust osutava asutuse soovituskiri.

Lae avalduse vorm alla siit

Registreerumiseks saata allkirjastatud avaldus e-posti aadressil

Complementary courses

Read about complementary courses: Complementary courses.

Read about group courses: Group courses

Read about other courses: Other courses


Counseling support people

Supervision for support people in Läänemaa:

11th of April 2015 from 10AM to 3PM
Haapsalu Social House Kastani st 7

Leili Mutso e-mail:


Kovisioon Võrumaa tugiisikutele toimub

6.märtsil 2015.a. kell 10.00-13.00
Võru Maavalitsuse II korruse saalis

Tiina Parmasto e-post:

Unity gives power

Need help?

Charity fund Dharma offers all kinds of help- from supporting your studies , finding a support person or finding another solution to a problem.

There are loads of solutions, explore the options and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact our workers

Need help with your studies?

Scholarship for kids in a replacement home->

Did you grow up in a replacement home and are about to graduate from middle school or high school? You are doing great! To support you on your journey, we have created a scholarship for kids in a replacement home.

The scholarships sizes are:

middle school graduate: 250 euros

  • high school graduate: 400 euros

Applying for this scholarship ends in July. Fresh scholars are chosen by a committee based on the applications sent in. The commission consists of Dharma, Petrone Printi and the Estonian Replacement Home Unity representatives.

Kandideerida saab juunikuu lõpuni. Stipendiaadid valib laekunud taotluste põhjal välja komisjon, kuhu kuuluvad Dharma, Petrone Printi ja Eesti Asenduskodude Töötajate Liidu esindaja.


Helle Randami scholarship->

Are you a trying university student, who is from a family that has five and more children and are in need of support? You are the reason we created a scholarship called Helle Randam scholarship.

Applicants for the scholarship can be studying in any university and in any year. The maximum amount of the scholarship is 1000€.

The scholarships are assigned once per year, but applications are accepted as long as you go to school. If you happen to be chosen, then we will sign a scholarship contract with you and after the year ends you are assigned a report that states how you spent the resources that were dispatched to you.


PricewaterhouseCoopers scholarship

PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is a part of one of the worlds leading network of corporations that offer business consultation services, that spans over 157 countries and has over 195 000 employees. In Estonia, we have been operating since 1992 and that entire time we have been following a principle, which states that with success in business comes with a greater responsibility towards society, let it be intellectual contribution towards the development of Estonia, enhancing and increasing the opacity and trust towards the local business environment, eco-friendly behaviour, financial or moral aid etc.

Applicants for the scholarship are expected to be starting or already starting their bachelor’s studies. The maximus size of the scholarship is 1000€ and we are offering up to 10 scholarships. The applicants and the amount are chosen by a committee, which consists of the representatives of PwC, Dharma and Estonian Estonian Replacement Home Unity. Scholarships are assigned once per year, but applicants can send their applications any time of the year.

Check out the conditions of the scholarship.

PwC scholarship information is located here.

If you need a support person

Support people are people who can manage their own life well and are ready to share their knowledge and experience with You. A support person might be helpful to an entire family, but also to a child.

Who to contact?

Support people service is a service managed by the local government. Therefore, to use that service, you must contact a social worker from the local government. Unfortunately, most local governments do not offer this kind of service or do not fund it yet, but it is worth a shot to ask anyway. If enough people show interest in that kind of service, then that is helpful towards getting the local government to offer it.

It is also possible to contact a social worker if you know someone who needs support. Based on the information that is provided, the social worker can start to work on the case and figure out if and what kind of help that person might need.

One of these possibilities is to use our network of non-profit organizations, who are always in contact with support people. All our support people are certified and ready to help.

Ka on igal inimesel võimalus anda sotsiaaltöötajale teada inimesest, kes võib ajada tugiisikut. Antud info põhjal saab sotsiaaltöötaja ise tegutsema hakata ja välja selgitada, kas ja millist abi inimesel vaja võiks minna.

Üheks vüimaluseks teenust saada on võtta ise ühendust meie võrgustikku kuuluvate MTÜ-dega, kes koondavad tugiisikuid. Kõik meie võrgustiku tugiisikud on läbinud tugiisiku koolituse.

Need some other help

You might be in a difficult situation and need help in order to continue on with life. Or you might have seen someone who might need help. Contact us and we will find a solution together

We have handled multiple crisis situations within families. For example, we have found a support person, who consults and supports families or helps keep the children safe. We have also obtained firewood, beds and school supplies, we have built roofs and chimneys and also paid for children’s hobbies/exercises. The foundation never directly pays to the people in need, but they pay for whatever the applicants might think be necessary

Oleme leevendanud paljude perede kriisisituatsioone. Näiteks leidnud perele tugiisiku, kes nõustab ja toetab vanemaid või hoiab lapse turvalisusel peres silma peal. Ka oleme muretsenud küttepuid, voodeid ja koolitarbeid, ehitanud katused ja korstnaid ning tasunud laste ringide-trennide eest. Fond ei maksa kunagi raha otse abivajajaile, vaid tasub vastavalt taotlusele vajamineva arve.

Palun täida ära taotlusvorm ja me võtame Sinuga ühendust.

Oled laps

Oled pere

Oled inimene, kes märkas abivajajat




Thanks to good people and companies, we have been able to support 10 000 children’s growth in Estonia. Our biggest donators are the foundations creator Urmas Sõõrumaa and the companies that are involved with the board members of the foundation. Most of the donators that donate once – they continue supporting children through us.


Within 11 years we have received over one million euros in donations.

Donators in 2012
Donators in 2013
Donators in 2014
Donators in 2015



Indrek’s foundation

In 2007 Indrek Luukas founded a subfoundation called Indrek’s foundation. The aim of the foundation was to increase the life quality of children with special needs and to increase their input in society.

The base capital of Indrek’s foundation is 32 000€, which is invested and which enables us to plan camps, educational events and provide them with different resources, based on the statute. We also help the parents of the children with special needs.

Applications for support from the foundation can be sent all year long. The year for the applications conclude on the 30th of April and the people receiving support will be notified by the 31st of May.

Activities done with the help of Indrek’s foundation.

Scholarship foundations

Scholarship foundations are for students, who are struggling financially during studies. If that is you, send in an application to receive support.


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